DMCA Policy

All content on is submitted to NinjaAPK by email or is readily available in various places on the Internet and is believed to be in the public domain. The content (including images and videos) posted is believed to fall within our rights under the United States Copyright Fair Use Act (Title 17, U.S. Code).

If you feel it is necessary, you may send us an email at [email protected] providing us with the link where you believe copyright laws have been infringed.

If you believe that a posting does not infringe any copyright, but you believe that its content is offensive or harmful to your business, you may also contact us in the same email:

EMAIL: [email protected]

Information required for DMCA claim

  • URL of the specific page that infringes your copyright
  • A valid contact email address to receive notification of successful removal of the reported content

After receiving your email, we will contact you as soon as possible, usually within 1 hour to a maximum of 24 hours. Thank you for your cooperation.